

分享我們的生活感受,熱愛家飾、文具用品等生活物件, 希望把快樂的意念傳達給大家。 而花草、動物與旅行的見聞是主要題材。 在創作的過程中,不僅是在乎圖像的描繪,產品的選材、包裝, 甚至產品本身的保存性及其攜帶性是否利於使用者等方面, 我們都十分用心與重視。希望藉由每款設計小物, 樂意能將誠摯溫暖的心意送給各位。 

LoiDesign loves furnishing, home decoration and stationary. Loi design is mainly inspired by flowers, plants and animals. We care a lot about image, material selection as well as package of our creation. The preservation and portability of product are also highly considered in production. We like to share our passion with you and hope you feel the beauty and this warm gift. 



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